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Beijing will complete the renovation and renovation of no less than 395 kilometers of indoor and outdoor gas pipelines this year

All rights reserved:Established in 1982, TongDa Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. Update time:2024-04-11 18:00:25

  In the past decade, Beijing Gas Group has completed the renovation of 672 kilometers of old underground pipelines and 180000 households with corroded pipes. In the past two years, a total of 4511 hidden dangers of occupation and pressure have been effectively eliminated, effectively eliminating a number of major hidden dangers of occupation and pressure. This year, Beijing Gas Group will continue to increase investment in safety, complete the renovation and renovation of no less than 395 kilometers of indoor and outdoor gas pipelines, replace no less than 600000 gas meters, install safety accessories and perception equipment for 2.6 million residential users, and continuously improve the intrinsic safety level and perception ability of pipeline facilities in households, providing a stable guarantee for the safety and supply of gas in the capital.


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About the Special Committee

  The Plastic Pipeline Professional Committee of China Plastics Processing Industry Association (referred to as the Plastic Pipeline Special Committee of China Plastics Association) is a national plastic pipeline industry association organized by plastic pipeline production enterprises and related units on a voluntary basis across regions, departments, and industries.
  Under the leadership of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, this special committee actively carries out work in the plastic pipeline industry, fully leveraging the bridge and link role of communication between enterprises, governments, and users. It actively conveys and implements national policies and guidelines, reflects industry demands, carries out relevant activities, and guides and promotes the sustainable and high-quality development of this industry.
  The main work of this committee is:
  Build a bridge and link for communication between plastic pipeline enterprises, government, and users, guide the industry to work together, and promote coordinated, scientific, healthy, green, and high-quality development of the plastic pipeline industry.
  Our committee's information platform:
  Website: //
  WeChat official account: Pipeline Industry Alliance of Pipeline Committee of China Plastics Association
  Contact information of this committee:
  Address: Room 613, Block D, Greenland Central Plaza, Xinghua Street, Daxing District, Beijing
  Telephone: 010-67587559, 010-87509726
  Fax: 010-87509726

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